Criminal penalties.
Any person who violates any provision of N.J.S.2C:41-2 in connection with a pattern of racketeering activity which involves a crime of violence, a crime of the first degree or the use of firearms shall be guilty of a crime of the first degree. All other violations of N.J.S.2C:41-2 shall be crimes of the second degree.
In addition, such persons shall forfeit to the entity funding the prosecuting agency involved the following:
Any interest including money or anything of value he has acquired or maintained in violation of this chapter and
Any interest in, security of, claim against, or property or contractual right of any kind affording a source of influence over any enterprise which he has established, acquired, maintained, operated, controlled, conducted, or participated in the conduct of, in violation of this chapter.
In any action brought by the Attorney General under this section, the Superior Court shall have jurisdiction to enter such restraining orders or prohibitions, or to take such other actions, including, but not limited to, the acceptance of satisfactory performance bonds, in connection with any property or other interests subject to forfeiture under this section, as it shall deem proper.
Upon conviction of a person under this section, the court shall authorize the Attorney General to seize all property or other interest declared forfeited under this section, subject to the rights of innocent persons such as any prior lienholders or other valid lienholders, upon such other terms and conditions as the court shall deem proper. If a property right or other interest is not exercisable or transferable for value by the Attorney General, it shall expire, and shall not revert to the convicted person.
The Attorney General shall dispose of all such property as soon as commercially feasible, making due provision for the rights of innocent persons.
When an offense charged may result in a criminal forfeiture, the indictment shall allege the extent of the interest or property subject to forfeiture. If the indictment alleges that an interest or property is subject to criminal forfeiture, a special verdict shall be returned as to the extent of the interest or property subject to forfeiture, if any.

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